
Adept Gaming- Here to Offer you *Ship Repair Schematic*

This package is for the Outbreak Prime Ship Repair Schematic. This is a single run through the Heroic Version of the Zero Hour Mission to complete the puzzle which offers a Solar, Void, or Arc clear depending on which week is being offered. This puzzle only counts once a week. Once completed, you’ll receive a completion for whichever burn is being offered that week, and can’t be counted again until the following week.

Please make sure you know which burn you’re missing before purchasing this listing. Completing this puzzle also give you 13% towards your Catalyst. You must have the Catalyst in order for the 13% to be counted.

For a full completion and to obtain the ship, it will take a total of 3 weeks to acquire.

This Quest recommends a 690 Light.  Please feel free to inquire if you have any questions before you purchase. Thank you.

Our Requirements:
Minimum Level/Light: Level 50

Must have the Foraken DLC

This is strictly Account Recovery. Upon purchasing you’ll need to send us your login email and password in the “seller notes”.

Please keep in mind the money you’re spending is being spent towards the time and services of professional Gamers. We value our time just as you value your money.

Our Guarantee is to complete any service you pay for.

Time of Availability-We’re available 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week.
Our Services are private and discreet. Feel free to contact us on

Xbox Live:

Orlando Mitchell Gamertag: xBlacknIrishx
Site: AdeptGaming net

Thank you in advance for taking the time to choose Adept Gaming as your #1 Online Gaming Service Providers.